Keep Network Dev Updates: Issue #4

KEEP-Only Staking Pool, Multi-Sig Members Completed the First Test Transaction and ETHDenver Talk About Keep and tBTC.

Evandro Saturnino
4 min readFeb 12, 2021

Hey everyone! Welcome to another Keep Network DEV Updates, a weekly recap of all things related to the development of the Keep Network.

What is Keep Network? Keep is Ethereum’s first private computer, able to store and compute data hidden even from itself.

This Week in Keep Network

  • Kraken created some educational materials to introduce people to both the KEEP token and tBTC, check them out and share it with your network! — Check it out.
  • This Tuesday at 1:20 PM EST Matt Luongo spoke at ETHDenver panel called “War & Peace: The Multi-chain Reality” with other participants — Watch it here.
  • One of our most prominent members, @cryptocrs, built this quality step by step guide on how to use the new KEEP-only staking pool to earn juicy KEEP rewards — Read it here.
  • The team has launched a KEEP-only staking pool with no minimums, so any KEEP holder can participate and earn rewards with up to 3x reward multiplier depending on how long you stake — Catch up here.
  • The staking rewards for the interval between 01/29/2021 and 02/05/2021, Ropsten testnet challenge, and Community Decentraland meetups rewards were distributed to our users — Read more here.
  • The Keep Network is looking to hire a remote Product Designer, to lead the design direction of product & brand design systems and contribute to the company & crypto-community design culture — Read it here.
  • This week the multi-sig members completed the first test transactions and the team will be transferring the ownership of the tBTC v1 contracts over to the multi-sig address in the following days.

Keep Staking Pool

The team launched the KEEP staking pool this week, something the community asked for a long time! Here’s follow some features:

  • It is now possible to stake KEEPs without a minimum amount, increasing the staking accessibility.
  • There is a reward multiplier according to the staking time, being possible to earn up to 3x based on time-locked!
  • The incentive rewards are initially allocated to the pool will be 100k KEEPs per month.
  • In the near future, the Keep Network community will be able to govern the staking pool with control over some of the key parameters.
  • The staking pool is available on the Keep Network dashboard on the liquidity page, the APY is being calculated automatically.
  • The APY calculated by the team, taking into account 4M of KEEPs tokens staked, is approximately 32% — Start Staking Now!

Development Updates

Token-dashboard/v1.10.1 is the latest release of the KEEP token dashboard. This release adds dashboard support for KEEP-only pool implemented earlier in solidity/v1.7.0 release.

The full set of work that went into this version can be found in the corresponding token-dashboard/1.10.1 milestone, which comprehends in the followings Pull Requests:

  • Fixes KEEP-only pool contract import in the KEEP token dashboard. (#2325)
  • Added the support for the KEEP-only staking pool in the token dashboard with the following changes: The new liquidity pool strategy handle the TokenGeyser contract API, KeepTokenGeyser contract was deployed to the local/Ropsten network and the script that initializes the KeepTokenGeyser contract was included for development purposes. (#2310)

In addition to the information above, The team is providing two pieces of information for operators and other interested parties:

  • The Docker Hub image hash.
  • The release commit hash.

Ongoing Discussions

This week I’m highlighting Matt Luongo’s talk at ETHDenver online event on the “War & Peace: The Multi-chain Reality” panel, the meeting call took place this Tuesday at 1:20 pm EST — Watch here.

Also, just like last week’s Weekly Dev Update, I’m highlighting the community marketing call meeting that takes place every Thursday at 3 pm EST at Discord, if you are interested in being part of this and makes a difference yourself with marketing ideas this meeting is for you, I’ll be expecting you there!

Sign up for the Keep Network Official Newsletter!

Looking to keep up with Keep Network news? Don’t forget to sign up for the official newsletter here.

Did I Miss Something?

If I missed an important event and you think it should be added here, just contact me (EvandroSaturnino#9833) directly through Discord on the Keep Network server!



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