Keep Network Dev Updates: Issue #8
KEANU Hard-merge Vote was Launched, Keep Partnered with Zerion and the Multi-sig Passed the Staking Emissions Change.
Hey everyone! Welcome to another Keep Network DEV Updates, a weekly recap of all things related to the development of the Keep Network.
What is Keep Network? Keep is Ethereum’s first private computer, able to store and compute data hidden even from itself.
This Week in Keep Network
- The results of the KEEP staking emissions change proposal snapshot are out! Stakers voted yes with a 100% approval rating. The proposal has moved to multi-sig vote for ratification — Verify the results here.
- The Multi-sig passed the KEEP staking emissions change proposal! The new community-built emissions schedule will be implemented starting next week at Stakedrop Interval 20 — Check it here.
- The Keep community launched the @NuCypher hard merge vote process, the voting methodology was decided by the community and starts with a 5-day staker signal — We need your vote.
- Keep Network has partnered with Zerion, the ultimate DeFi investment interface. Keep and tBTC will now be available for access on the Zerion platform — Read more.
- Our community member @cryptocrs wrote full walkthroughs about Keep Network integration with Zerion and Zapper platforms — You can read the Zerion guide here and the Zapper guide here.
- Keep liquidity rewards have been topped-up and stakedrop rewards for this week have been distributed for the network stakers — You can check the Github PR here.
- Right now, Thesis is looking for a frontend engineer familiar with Typescript and React, with strong opinions on architecture and state management — Read the announcement here.
- Keep Network and Nu Cypher hard-merge proposal was highlighted in the Week in Ethereum News Twitter thread — Check it out.
Vote Methodology for the Hard-merge proposal
This week I wrote an article where I outlined the details about the hard-merge proposal between Keep Network and Nucypher and the voting methodology that used for the merge proposal. To access the complete article click here!
Below is a TL/DR of the article with the main characteristics of the voting methodology:
- The methodology was first introduced by the multi-sig and prominent member, Ben Longstaff, and then was debated among the multi-sigs, Keep team, and community members in Discord.
- After the debate, the methodology structure initially introduced by Ben was accepted unanimously by those involved and this will be the methodology used for voting for the Keep and NuCypher hard-merge.
Below are the details of the voting methodology that will be used for this proposal:
- First, a staker signal to get the voting register from the active capital in the network.
- If the ‘Yes’ votes from the stakers are greater than a 2/3 majority for the motion then the vote would move to a (5 of 8) multi-sig members vote to ratify the decision.
- In the event that there are less than a 2/3 majority stakers affirmative votes, then a new snapshot vote is opened to all KEEP token holders, if 51% of token holders vote ‘Yes’ then the vote moves to a (5 of 8) multi-sig vote to ratify the decision.
Development Updates
Client: 1.7.2 Mainnet Release
Client: 1.7.2 (Mainnet) was released in keep-ecdsa repository on March 18th, This release is a hotfix improving on-chain information caching in the ECDSA client network firewall.
Note that the client version can be updated without any config changes.
is the latest release of Keep ECDSA client, which primarily drives ECDSA keeps. This client release improves on-chain information caching in ECDSA client network firewall by storing GetKeepAtIndex
and IsActive
on-chain call results in a memory cache. Additionally, it introduces a synchronization mechanism ensuring on-chain calls executed when loading information to the cache are not duplicated. The client changes since v1.7.1
- Guard execution of on-chain firewall calls with a mutex: This change is effectively reducing firewall on-chain concurrency to one call, Mutex should speed up the loop. Instead of executing the same check from 8 concurrent threads and being rate-limited, the team will execute 8 different checks at more or less the same time. (#740)
- Cache more on-chain data between firewall checks: The team added caching to [keep index, keep address] mapping that never changes on the chain. This way, even if two or more firewall checks are executed at the same time, most requests will be served from the cache. (#737)
Token Dashboard: 1.11.0 Mainnet Release
Token Dashboard: 1.11.0 (Mainnet) was released in keep-core repository on March 16th, v 1.11.0 is the latest release of the KEEP token dashboard. The most important changes since v1.10.2
- Updated KEEP-TBTC liquidity pool staking information. Disabled deposit button since the incentives for KEEP-TBTC have been removed. Users are still able to withdraw allocated rewards and deposited liquidity tokens from the pool.
- Added support for displaying the staker tBTC rewards from the owner, grantee, and operator account.
- An Improved user experience when performing stake top-up: moved the top-ups table to the top and added a notification when a top-up is ready to be committed.
- Improved staking experience: changed the order of liquid and granted tokens displayed, removed unneeded available token bar, added tooltip about minimum stake change, fixed number formatting in inputs.
- Fixed a bug in some cases causing incorrect KEEP tokens balance displayed after delegation.
- Added link to release notes from the dashboard version number.
Ongoing Discussions
As usual, I’m highlighting the community marketing call meeting that takes place every Thursday at 3 pm EST at Discord, if you are interested in being part of this and makes a difference yourself with marketing ideas this meeting is for you, I’ll be expecting you there!
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Looking to keep up with Keep Network news? Don’t forget to sign up for the official newsletter here.
Did I Miss Something?
If I missed an important event and you think it should be added here, just contact me (EvandroSaturnino#9833) directly through Discord on the Keep Network server!